Monday, April 5, 2010

Crammed Closets and Nothing to Wear

How many of us have closets that are bursting at the seams, but we have nothing to wear?
Instead, why not take a Saturday and free yourself from the stress and guilt of past shopping mishaps.

Start by trying on everything that is a spring / summer garment. Yes, I mean try it on and look in the rear view mirror as well. If it is too big or too small, toss it into pre-labeled bins. Only keep one size bigger or smaller than you are and give the rest away.
How great is that….all the clothes fit and you have space!

Next, tear out looks that you like from magazines or ads.
Make a list of the types of outfits you need:
Business Attire: Clothes for work ~ Jackets, dresses, cardigans, skirts, tailored pants
Upscale Everyday: Clothes for meetings, brunch or church
Weekend Wear: Casual clothes to go to BBQ’s, sports games or the beach
Workout Clothes: Must fit and function well
Dressy Wear: One great LBD and other cocktail dresses/ wedding appropriate looks

Now for the fun part… let the magazines fuel your imagination and build outfits according to the categories. Match with jewelry, shoes and purse. Then, take a digital photo of each outfit to record each look. Set a time limit and see how many great outfits you will have ready to wear for the entire season.

Eco – chic shopping tip: If you are missing a top, blouse or jacket to complete an outfit, stop by goodwill to see if you can pick up the missing piece at an affordable price!

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